Saturday, 5 March 2022

RTE! Online Registration MAHARASHTRA ( 2022-23 ) Closing on --> 10/03/2022



Closing on  10/03/2022

MAHARASHTRA ( 2022-23 )


Welcome and Very good morning to all the Parents who are preparing for RTE Admission 2022-23. So there is a good News for all the parents belonging to the following state.


That the Admission Registration Process for most of the cities is closing soon i.e 10/03/2022 for the Session 2022-23.

Register your Ward for the RTE Admission Procedure session 2022-23.

Check List of Documents Needed.  :-  Documents Needed for Registration

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1 comment:

  1. A society will be recognised for registration under the Society Registration online Act of 1975 if it has at least 7 members.
    A society can register if it has at least 20 members and a minimum yearly gross income or expenditure of Rs. 10,000.
